Dr. Diagnosio that uses deep learning, matures to a virtual doctor with the capability to make both differential diagnoses and to triage patients.
NORRTäLJE, STOCKHOLM COUNTY, SWEDEN, September 12, 2018 /EINPresswire.com/ — The Swedish company BraineHealth that is developing the virtual doctor Diagnosio, continuously improve its capabilities. Dr. Diagnosio is now able to triage patients based on a questionnaire on the patient symptoms progression.
The Swedish company BraineHealth recently launched Dr. Diagnosio – a virtual doctor that proposes diagnoses from vital patient data such as age, gender and patient symptoms. Dr. Diagnosio uses machine-learning methods to match the most relevant diagnoses based on a validated database.
The virtual doctor Diagnosio has now extended its capabilities by asking the patient additional essential questions about how the symptoms are developing, current discomfort, medication, medical condition and more. By combining this information with the differential diagnoses, Dr. Diagnosio will then inform the patient what to do now – what is called triage the patient.
To be able to triage the patient is a part of a completeness step for a virtual doctor where the patient now can describe their symptoms, development and current medical status in natural language. Dr. Diagnosio will suggest potential diagnoses and what to do now so the patient can take action, says Roger Svensson, CEO, and founder of BraineHealth.
The patient starts by tap in some necessary information such as gender and age and continues with an accurate description of their symptoms in their own words. Dr. Diagnosio will then ask about how the symptoms have developed, about the patient’s medication and some other vital questions. Based on the answers from the patient Dr. Diagnosio will, based on deep learning, propose a structured list of potential diagnoses and additional information provided by trusted medical
knowledge sources such as Merck Consumer database, Medline Plus, Mayo Clinic, WebMD and popular search engines.
With this new and crucial extended triage capability, Dr. Diagnosio will tell the patient how severe the situation is and what to do now, if emergency care is needed or if it is sufficient to visit the local pharmacy store.
The virtual app Dr. Diagnosio should preferably be used together with a family doctor. When needed, Diagnosio will alert the user to seek immediate medical advice for some of the proposed diagnoses.
Dr. Diagnosio also offers a wide array of subscription tiers, including free trials, modified for different family structures. By using Diagnosio, users agree to the Terms and Services.
About BraineHealth AB
BraineHealth AB is a Swedish company developing intelligent digital services for consumers and healthcare partners. The company was founded in 2016 by healthcare professionals specializing in primary and elderly care.
BraineHealth will democratize healthcare globally for everyone everywhere anytime using intelligent healthcare technologies by providing scalable digital solutions based on combined artificial intelligence and robotics.
BraineHealth is focused on providing patients and the healthcare community scalable solutions based on artificial intelligence, such as for better preventive and self-management care of epidemic diseases.
The company has previously developed a digital platform for online medical advisory services, such as Lugn&Ro Doktorn and an AI-platform for epidemic diseases such as diabetes. BraineHealth co-operates on testing new products and services with the healthcare provider Lugn&Ro Sverige AB (major owner of BraineHealth). Diagnosio, a brand of BraineHealth and a part of BraineHealth´s AI platform, is a differential diagnostic and triage tool that supports patients and doctors to find the correct diagnosis based on the patient’s symptoms.