Check Your Symptoms Online Using A man couldn’t see, so he made a light bulb. A man was always late, so he built a car. Then, a man wanted to know everything, so he built the internet. There’s no doubt in anyone’s mind (hopefully) that technology has changed our lives for the better and will keep on doing so. …
Technology And You: How Tech Can Help WIth Improving Your Health
We currently live in a generation wherein technology has made our lives a lot easier and more comfortable. Technology has made every aspect of our lives a lot more convenient. Say goodbye to needing to go to the doctor every so often to check your blood pressure when you can do it at home. Don’t pass up the opportunity of …
The Effect of Social Media and Mobile in Health
Google and social media play an essential role in how we view our health. Let’s face it, some of us do a quick Google search before deciding to visit a physician. Every day, the easy access to Internet tempts us to find health-related answers on our own instead of going to the emergency or setting a schedule with our physician. …
The Future of Digital Health
Smartphones and technology have changed the landscape of not only communication but also health. Mobile devices help remove barriers and geography. With this, healthcare professionals are taking advantage of these by empowering health care consumers as well. The advancement of technology and enhanced connectivity have a lot of positive impact on healthcare. It also moves the industry towards better health …